The Biological Anti-Aging Program

“If you don’t look the way you should on the outside, what do you think your organs look like on inside!”

– Jocelyne Eberstein


Aging is classified as a disease according to the World Health Organization (see source below). Today’s toxic environment, unmanageable stress levels, and our increasingly intense lifestyles burn up our constitutional reserves and tax our stem cells faster than you can say “old age.”  At the eCenter in Boca Raton FL, and Beverly Hills CA, we get right down to the fundamental cause. We determine why you’re aging at an accelerated pace and assess how old you actually are. This is based on hormone levels, cellular chemistry, and by taking scientific measurements through lab testing and in-office physical exams. 

Behaviors like, no sleep, stress, and poor diet will advance and enhance aging. The good news is your body is sending you signals. These signs can include hair loss, inability to build muscle or maintain muscle tone. In some cases you may notice a loss of a glowing complexion, paired with dark circles, fine lines or dry, less elastic skin, the impossible-to-lose bulge around the midsection, interrupted sleep cycles, fatigue, and changes in memory.  


The goal of eCenter Wellness Anti-Aging Program is to reverse aging by seven years. We will, eliminate 50% of chronic illnesses, such as, arthritis, cognitive decline, cardiovascular disease, pain, thyroid issues, depression, and aging.  Looking good on the outside is directly proportional to the body chemistry found on the inside. By evaluating this empirical data we’re able to create a personalized strategy to help you look younger, regain energy, and get back to your A game. 

There’s a bonus: If you are planning a plastic surgery procedure, you and your skin will be internally prepped resulting in a good foundation for cellular cultivation.  Our Regenerative Medicine approach results in a more natural look and improved healing.  

Put Your Health & Wellbeing First with eCenter Wellness! Join Our Anti-Aging Program!

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