Chronic Fatigue

Do you feel tired, even when you’ve gotten plenty of sleep the night before? Does your mind feel “foggy” all day long, no matter how many cups of coffee you have? Fatigue is a phrase that refers to a general feeling of exhaustion or a lack of energy. It’s not the same as feeling sleepy or drowsy. When you’re tired, you don’t have any motivation or energy. Sleepiness is a symptom of weariness, although it is not the same as fatigue.

Fatigue vs. Tiredness

Do you ever wonder if your low energy is actual fatigue or just being tired? Tiredness is what occurs at the end of the day or after certain activities and is typically solved by sleep. Fatigue on the other hand is tiredness that isn’t solved by sleep. It is a lack of energy every day that is unusual and/or excessive. Fatigue has a negative effect on a person’s daily life.

Fatigue can be extremely frustrating for people who suffer because it is more difficult to pinpoint the source of the problem. This is where Jocelyne can step in. At the eCenter we listen to you, what you have been experiencing and take a deep dive to find what is causing this daily tiredness, so we can fully solve the problem at hand.


Common Causes of Fatigue


Lack of Sleep


Sleep Apnea


Not Enough Nutrients








Too Much Caffeine


Food Allergies



Negative Effects of Fatigue

When one suffers from Chronic Fatigue they are not at their best. Simarly to being intoxicated, your decision making gets worse, memory declines, and you may experience other symptoms of cognitive decline. In fact, many studies suggest that driving tired is as dangerous as driving drunk.

Find Fatigue Relief Today with eCenter Wellness!

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