Functional Medicine

Traditional medical clinics are great at diagnosing symptoms, but not finding the true root of your problem. Here at eCenter Wellness we listen to you. Afterall no one knows you like you. We want to take the time to find the true source of your pain point, so we can build out a specific plan that will provide you with long-term relief.

Our Treatment Program Includes:

After reaching out to eCenter Wellness, we will set up a consultation and exam, so we can put together a proper plan for you. Jocelyne is extremely knowledgable and can give proper nutritional and lifestyle guidance which may include supplement recommendations and exercise plans. The program also includes the ability to reach out to your provider for any questions or additional help to guide you throughout your entire health journey.

What exactly is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine is an alternative approach to health. In functional medicine we focus on the underlying cause of a condition opposed to the condition itself. We take care of the real issue to provide long-term relief, and an overall healthy life. We treat the entire person, and not just the condition they are coming in for.

Jocelyne Eberstein

How Does Functional Medicine Work?

We start by gathering a detailed history of your past and current health information, as well as lab results. Jocelyne uses your experience, medical information, health assessments, history, and lab findings to figure out the specific cause of your symptoms in Functional Medicine. We can tackle the underlying conditions that are causing your disease by digging up the roots. Taking the time to treat the main cause will keep you from going through the cycle of temporary relief followed by a trip to the doctor a few months later. Traditional medicine rushes into therapy, often skimming over crucial facts that could help you solve your health problems.

Schedule An Appointment with Jocelyne today!