Stress/Anxiety Relief

Everyone experiences stress & anxiety at some point in life, but excessive stress is dangerous for the human body and can weaken the immune system. Stress levels are at an all-time high in America with over 80% of people saying they experience stress monthly and 20% admitting to being stressed out daily.

What Causes Stress & Anxiety?

Stress & anxiety can be caused for a variety of reasons whether it is from change in your life or too many tasks at work or uncertainty etc.

The top reasons for stress include:

  • Fear of uncertainty
  • Heavy workload
  • Increase in financial obligation
  • Chronic injury or illness
  • Mental health issues
  • Traumatic events
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Change

Is your life of stress beginning to feel unmanageable or excessive? Now ask yourself if you are starting to feel any of the symptoms mentioned below.

stress relief

Physical Symptoms of Stress








Aches, Pains, & Tense Muscles


Chest Pain & Rapit Heartbeat




Frequant Colds & Infections


Loss Of Sexual Desire and/or Ability



Acupuncture Can Reduce Stress

For most people, stress is just apart of life without realizing that regular & extreme stress is a health issue. Stress ranks along with the most common health issues. As mentioned previously stress levels in America are at an all-time high. Severe symptoms of stress influences both the physical and psychological health of a person. Long term chronic stress can cause depression, heart attacks, higher blood pressure, heart problems, cardiovascular disease, weight gain, eating disorders, menstrual problems, sexual dysfunction, hair & skin problems and gastrointestinal issues. 

Acupuncture has been found to significantly reduce a person’s stress levels. According to study of Western Medicine, acupuncture discharges endorphins and activates natural painkillers of the body. Many acupuncture practitioners noticed that acupuncture can decrease stress over an extended period of time.

Stress interferes with the whole body’s pleasant flow of energy. Acupuncture may help to abide these energy blockages in the body. It’s an old Chinese treatment that lowers the amounts of proteins linked to chronic stress. It promotes the flow of energy throughout the body and relieves stress symptoms.

Acupuncture promotes happiness, self-esteem, problem-solving abilities, clear decision-making and thinking, enhanced circulation, and increased focus. All of these advantages can significantly reduce stress levels.

How Does It Work?

Acupuncture reduces stress by producing endorphins in the brain, which are natural painkillers. This treatment promotes blood circulation throughout the body and increases oxygen levels in tissues. Immediately after the first needle is inserted, some people report a sense of calm. The majority of people rate their acupuncture treatment as quite successful. They felt a sense of calm energy flow in the body after only a small touch of the needle. After just one session, some patients report feeling less stressed.

How Can I Fix My Stress?

At eCenter Wellness, we create a custom healing program for you.

We want to make sure that you are going to see the best results. Your treatment plan might include:

Stress relief


Chinese Herbs

Chinese Herbs

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle Changes

Natural Medicine

Functional Medicine

I’m Ready for Stress Relief!

If you, or anyone you love is seeking an alternative that helps YOU and not just your eye then Augusta Acupuncture Clinic is for you.

Please CONTACT US, or give us a call at (310) 564-7914.

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